Recently when my email was hacked, (and apologies to any of you who were affected), I realized that not taking care of the security of your computer will wreak havoc on your stress levels when you encounter trouble. My phone rang non-stop that day with wonderful friends concerned about my trip to the Ukraine, the trouble I was in, and asking if they could help. Realizing the stress this caused to myself and those recipients of the hacked email, and in an effort to find as many ways as possible to live healthy and reduce stress I wanted to try to help others avoid this situation. A huge shout out to the awesome tech guys over at HBR Technologies and CEO Jeff Romick for helping clean up my computer. Jeff was kind enough to put these quick security tips together for my Harmonious Health followers:
1) Don't have one password for everything. The password on your phone is easy for someone to watch you enter so it should not be used for banking or home alarms.
2) Passwords should be 8 or more characters that include letters, numbers and a special character, i.e. %, *,..The password should not include names or pet names. Change your passwords quarterly.
3) If you receive an email request from an unknown source, do not click on anything inside the message. If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails, respond with "unsubscribe" in the subject. Make sure you remove your signature information before sending.
4) Make sure you have active and updated anti-virus and anti-malware software on your devices.
5) Do not use public computers or wireless connectivity when accessing accounts or using passwords. If you can avoid them completely, even better.
6) Do not leave your phone or computer unattended in public places. Make sure you lock the screen if you walk away and that a password is required to login.
7) Do not put account numbers and passwords in your phone.
8) Do not list your home address as your Home on your GPS.
9) Predators look for the easiest, weakest targets; don't help them hurt you.